Mark Sanford, still the sitting governor of South Carolina is trying to figure out whether he should stay on or step down. That should not be his decision. He has violated his oath of office, deserted his position and stolen money from the people of his state. People in South Carolina who hold up a convenience store and get $15 can go to prison for years, he should be treated no differently. He has earned the right to a fair trial.
In America we almost always don't hold our elected officials to the oath they took when they assumed the authority and responsibilities of their office. Even if they intentionally violate that oath, we tend to say - in effect - "aw shucks, well, maybe he has learned something."
Sanford says he wants to show his boys how someone "can pick themselves up and carry on. . . " He needs to show them what happens when someone disappears from his job, violates sacred oaths he freely took, and steals from other people.
He has earned an impeachment and a fair trial.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson and the Death of News
Michael Jackson's death has put an end to American news reporting. Tried to watch Rachel Maddow last night but it was wall-to-wall Jackson lamentary, Rachel was gone, instead it was Keith Olberman sitting there in his shirt (like Cronkite/Kennedy?) looking confused and appearing to be on the verge of tears from time time explaining over and over again and again that he really knew nothing as the same clips of sheriff helicopters and ambulances were shown endlessly one after the other. This great commentator who always has an answer for everything is now no longer the night watchman calling out in the darkness but exposed as the village idiot crying "It's eleven o'clock and something is wrong, but I can't explain it, let me start over again. . ."
During the days of the Bush administration I would explain such happenings to myself as the work of Karl Rove. Why else in the days immediately prior to the American invasion of Iraq would the American TV new shows present a few moments of the great build- up of invasion forces and then spend the next twenty-five minutes exploring the Scott Peterson thing? Had to be the work of some "intelligent design", and who else but Karl Rove? Terrible, yes, but also darkly brilliant.
I don't think we can blame Rove for this now, but it is well to ask ourselves who benefits from this and who is hurt by it? The greatest benefactors to my thought are Gov. Sanford and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The great losers are those searching to expose the illegal activities of elected officials in Washington, and those who are protesting the "election" in Iran. More great winners? The TV news stations - CNN today is bewildered confusion (just returned from being a captive audience member in my doctor's waiting room) and hopelessly hanging on for one bit of news to be given them so they can breathlessly relate it to US. Elsewhere, the world is presented as a great vacuum. "Duh?"
You would think there would be a solution for this problem, but I am not sure there is any specific answer. It probably just boils down to the simple fact that Americans don't care about real news. So maybe that is why the "news" stations have become simply Distraction Centers.
During the days of the Bush administration I would explain such happenings to myself as the work of Karl Rove. Why else in the days immediately prior to the American invasion of Iraq would the American TV new shows present a few moments of the great build- up of invasion forces and then spend the next twenty-five minutes exploring the Scott Peterson thing? Had to be the work of some "intelligent design", and who else but Karl Rove? Terrible, yes, but also darkly brilliant.
I don't think we can blame Rove for this now, but it is well to ask ourselves who benefits from this and who is hurt by it? The greatest benefactors to my thought are Gov. Sanford and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The great losers are those searching to expose the illegal activities of elected officials in Washington, and those who are protesting the "election" in Iran. More great winners? The TV news stations - CNN today is bewildered confusion (just returned from being a captive audience member in my doctor's waiting room) and hopelessly hanging on for one bit of news to be given them so they can breathlessly relate it to US. Elsewhere, the world is presented as a great vacuum. "Duh?"
You would think there would be a solution for this problem, but I am not sure there is any specific answer. It probably just boils down to the simple fact that Americans don't care about real news. So maybe that is why the "news" stations have become simply Distraction Centers.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Letter from a Fellow Veteran
This is the message I received from a fellow Vietnam veteran, Harry Flynn, this evening:
Why will the major TV networks carry a three hour memorial service without commercial interruptions and then many hours of other program and news coverage today for someone who never served his country or put his life on the line and gave his all. I AM OUTRAGED. Why can we not get the same coverage and respect for our service members and veterans who have given us the FREEDOM to be able to enjoy and do the things we do each day. I am a Vietnam Veteran that knows what it is like to put your life on the line and wonder if you will every live to see America or your family again, and when you do come home no Welcome Home or Thank You until many years later. Please take time to reflect on this and feel free to comment. I even saw where one of our congress person saluted him today. We need to be saluting our real HEROES today and every day. What has happen to us in this country. God help us.
While the focus today, tomorrow, and for the next God-knows-how-many-days will be the death of a pop culture icon; while many will mourn, wail, and quite literally make fools of themselves over it and while as many will speak endlessly about it, allow me, if only for a moment, to remind us all that others have died this month; others whose lives were cut short; others who leave behind loved ones and whose families will dearly miss them; families who'll suffer with much more dignity and honor than we'll be exposed to on the tube in the coming days.
Yes... it's true... we've suffered a great loss... but forgive me when I tell you that I'm not talking about the king of pop music.
These American military members died in Iraq this month:
Sergeant Justin J. Duffy
Specialist Christopher M. Kurth
Specialist Charles D. Parrish
Lance Corporal Robert D. Ulmer
Staff Sergeant Edmond L. Lo
Sergeant Joshua W. Soto
Captain Kafele H. Sims
Specialist Chancellor A. Keesling
And these members of our U.S. Armed Forces died in Afghanistan this month:
Sergeant Jones, Ricky D.
Specialist Munguia Rivas, Rodrigo A.
Command Master Chief Petty Officer Garber, Jeffrey J.
1st Sergeant Blair, John D.
Sergeant Smith, Paul G.
Staff Sergeant Melton, Joshua
Sergeant 1st Class Dupont, Kevin A.
Specialist O'Neill, Jonathan C.
Chief Warrant Officer Richardson Jr., Ricky L.
Specialist Silva, Eduardo S.
Lance Corporal Whittle, Joshua R.
Major Barnes, Rocco M.
Major Jenrette, Kevin M.
Staff Sergeant Beale, John C.
Specialist Jordan, Jeffrey W.
Specialist Griemel, Jarrett P.
Specialist Hernandez I, Roberto A.
Sergeant Obakrairur, Jasper K.
Staff Sergeant Hall, Jeffrey A.
Private 1st Class Ogden, Matthew D.
Private 1st Class Wilson, Matthew W.
Let's remember and honor this day those whose deaths are truly impacting.
Why will the major TV networks carry a three hour memorial service without commercial interruptions and then many hours of other program and news coverage today for someone who never served his country or put his life on the line and gave his all. I AM OUTRAGED. Why can we not get the same coverage and respect for our service members and veterans who have given us the FREEDOM to be able to enjoy and do the things we do each day. I am a Vietnam Veteran that knows what it is like to put your life on the line and wonder if you will every live to see America or your family again, and when you do come home no Welcome Home or Thank You until many years later. Please take time to reflect on this and feel free to comment. I even saw where one of our congress person saluted him today. We need to be saluting our real HEROES today and every day. What has happen to us in this country. God help us.
While the focus today, tomorrow, and for the next God-knows-how-many-days will be the death of a pop culture icon; while many will mourn, wail, and quite literally make fools of themselves over it and while as many will speak endlessly about it, allow me, if only for a moment, to remind us all that others have died this month; others whose lives were cut short; others who leave behind loved ones and whose families will dearly miss them; families who'll suffer with much more dignity and honor than we'll be exposed to on the tube in the coming days.
Yes... it's true... we've suffered a great loss... but forgive me when I tell you that I'm not talking about the king of pop music.
These American military members died in Iraq this month:
Sergeant Justin J. Duffy
Specialist Christopher M. Kurth
Specialist Charles D. Parrish
Lance Corporal Robert D. Ulmer
Staff Sergeant Edmond L. Lo
Sergeant Joshua W. Soto
Captain Kafele H. Sims
Specialist Chancellor A. Keesling
And these members of our U.S. Armed Forces died in Afghanistan this month:
Sergeant Jones, Ricky D.
Specialist Munguia Rivas, Rodrigo A.
Command Master Chief Petty Officer Garber, Jeffrey J.
1st Sergeant Blair, John D.
Sergeant Smith, Paul G.
Staff Sergeant Melton, Joshua
Sergeant 1st Class Dupont, Kevin A.
Specialist O'Neill, Jonathan C.
Chief Warrant Officer Richardson Jr., Ricky L.
Specialist Silva, Eduardo S.
Lance Corporal Whittle, Joshua R.
Major Barnes, Rocco M.
Major Jenrette, Kevin M.
Staff Sergeant Beale, John C.
Specialist Jordan, Jeffrey W.
Specialist Griemel, Jarrett P.
Specialist Hernandez I, Roberto A.
Sergeant Obakrairur, Jasper K.
Staff Sergeant Hall, Jeffrey A.
Private 1st Class Ogden, Matthew D.
Private 1st Class Wilson, Matthew W.
Let's remember and honor this day those whose deaths are truly impacting.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
In a Nutshell -
America's best moments have come when we supported the ideals of our constitution, and some of our worst moments have come when we have tried to "protect" that thing. Unfortunately, we have a problem. It is our government. It is a common type of organization, Canada has a similar one, so do countries in Europe. As a great hierarchy it is really a relic of the feudal system. Each country has a "Lord" who doesn't know his ass from his mouth, and he is supported by a coterie of conniving bastards who couldn't be elected to do anything other than to leave the room now.
Power is the missing commodity. America has solved that with the economic might of great corporations. The corporations pay the coterie who select and get elected people who will pass laws that help the corporations. There it is: Power>henchmen>nice guy. The American people? Oh yeah, the people - well, they pay the money to the corporations and vote for the "nice" guys. Welcome to America - you'all.
Power is the missing commodity. America has solved that with the economic might of great corporations. The corporations pay the coterie who select and get elected people who will pass laws that help the corporations. There it is: Power>henchmen>nice guy. The American people? Oh yeah, the people - well, they pay the money to the corporations and vote for the "nice" guys. Welcome to America - you'all.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Iran - The Ultimatum
Now that the Supreme Leader in Iran has issued his ultimatum, what is next to come? I can't begin to guess. The protesters could back off but why should they? There is no point in pretending to wait for the next election, that charade is now over. The clerical gloves are off and the holy veil has been discarded.
The "Islamic Republic" is revealed to be simply another dictatorship claiming to be a religious institution. Iranians are now shown to be servants of their self-appointed Supreme Leader rather than the free people they apparently thought they were.
The Islamic leaders have shown that they are just one more non-spiritual hierarchical organization whose most sacred ideal is not service to Allah, or to any other god, but the survival of their own organization at all costs including stealing, lying, cheating, imprisonment, murder and other means as they feel might be necessary. They have their own "Lord", the "Supreme Leader" who was appointed by the ruling coterie who largely remain in the shadows and who secretly tell him what to do. He then "orders" them to do what they have already told him in secret to order them to do. They will reluctantly carry out their own orders.
So the Iranian citizens now can now 1) meekly retire and pray they are not punished for actions already done, 2) continue the protest marches and force the hand of the Supreme Leader, or 3) do something else. But it seems clear that Iranians are today different people than they were at the beginning of this week which has just passed.
The word from Twitter has been amazing. I will stay eagerly tuned. The photo is from persiankiwi, via Twitter.

The Islamic leaders have shown that they are just one more non-spiritual hierarchical organization whose most sacred ideal is not service to Allah, or to any other god, but the survival of their own organization at all costs including stealing, lying, cheating, imprisonment, murder and other means as they feel might be necessary. They have their own "Lord", the "Supreme Leader" who was appointed by the ruling coterie who largely remain in the shadows and who secretly tell him what to do. He then "orders" them to do what they have already told him in secret to order them to do. They will reluctantly carry out their own orders.
So the Iranian citizens now can now 1) meekly retire and pray they are not punished for actions already done, 2) continue the protest marches and force the hand of the Supreme Leader, or 3) do something else. But it seems clear that Iranians are today different people than they were at the beginning of this week which has just passed.
The word from Twitter has been amazing. I will stay eagerly tuned. The photo is from persiankiwi, via Twitter.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
How To Rob a Guy. Easy.
Well, you can’t break into Joe Bang’s house and take his money, and you can’t stick him up at work and get it that way either. He’s too well armed. He’s got a lot of guns and he “carries” too. He’s always ready for anything. So how do you get Joe’s money? Besides, he really doesn't have that much money, he may be about to lose his job, and he is deeply in debt. But here's one way - and it's real easy. You make him come into your business - with or without one of his guns - and you make him GIVE you his money. Cool, huh? Here’s how it works:
First you get a secret deal (most business deals are more or less secret) with some major gun and ammunition companies. You call yourself some important name like the National Resistance to Aggression organization, or something like that. Then you send out magazine stories and web page items about how dangerous the world has become, especially since the first modern president of the United States has been elected, Point out how you can’t be sure of his allegiances, or what his religion REALLY is, or where he was even born, and so on. Mix in races issues, rural/urban problems, religious issues, liberal/conservative. Say that he is leading us toward socialism, even communism. Claim that he really is a Frenchman! Get some of your friends who have talk shows on radio and TV to echo what you are saying. Scare those people!
Then point out how ammunition and guns are becoming scarce and hard to get. Explain that you hope there will be enough to go around if “things go bad”. Sorrowfully point out that some people will not have “enough” ammo to fire their guns if
“anything” "happens".
Then you raise the price of your stuff, curtail your hours of operation, put up billboards telling people to "get your guns while you still can!" and watch all the Joe Bangs come running with their money in their hand.
First you get a secret deal (most business deals are more or less secret) with some major gun and ammunition companies. You call yourself some important name like the National Resistance to Aggression organization, or something like that. Then you send out magazine stories and web page items about how dangerous the world has become, especially since the first modern president of the United States has been elected, Point out how you can’t be sure of his allegiances, or what his religion REALLY is, or where he was even born, and so on. Mix in races issues, rural/urban problems, religious issues, liberal/conservative. Say that he is leading us toward socialism, even communism. Claim that he really is a Frenchman! Get some of your friends who have talk shows on radio and TV to echo what you are saying. Scare those people!
Then point out how ammunition and guns are becoming scarce and hard to get. Explain that you hope there will be enough to go around if “things go bad”. Sorrowfully point out that some people will not have “enough” ammo to fire their guns if

Then you raise the price of your stuff, curtail your hours of operation, put up billboards telling people to "get your guns while you still can!" and watch all the Joe Bangs come running with their money in their hand.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Cheney's Wishes
Cheney had been infuriated by Panetta's comments about how Cheney "needs" to have the U.S, attacked. No way any of us can tell who is right about this right now, but it sure would make Cheney look like a fool if we were never attacked again given the manner in which he keeps telling us that "his" way is the ONLY way to avoid such an attack. Meanwhile, if we were attacked, he would look like a real old-time patriot, and super smart guy who knows the only way to safety.
Of course, if we follow Cheney's instructions, we are only doing what George Bush did for eight years, thus things can only continue to get worse, never better. That is to ignore the lessons of history - especially those taught in the past eight years. That also would continue to cast a pall of secrecy over "what really took place" back then and there. Eventually, all that will surface and the sooner that happens the more likely that Cheney, Bush et. al. might actually be punished - at least, publicly shamed. Another attack though, would postpone those revelations for many more years. So you figure it out yourself, what does Cheney REALLY need?
I am not a fan of Cheney. I have only one good thing to say about him. This is it: Cheney was SO bad than not even a terrorist or a crazy fool, or even a misguided religious zealot would kill George Bush, which would result in making Bush a "great" president and redeeming his errors, and also promote Cheney to the presidency. For that I will always be grateful to Dick Cheney.
Of course, if we follow Cheney's instructions, we are only doing what George Bush did for eight years, thus things can only continue to get worse, never better. That is to ignore the lessons of history - especially those taught in the past eight years. That also would continue to cast a pall of secrecy over "what really took place" back then and there. Eventually, all that will surface and the sooner that happens the more likely that Cheney, Bush et. al. might actually be punished - at least, publicly shamed. Another attack though, would postpone those revelations for many more years. So you figure it out yourself, what does Cheney REALLY need?
I am not a fan of Cheney. I have only one good thing to say about him. This is it: Cheney was SO bad than not even a terrorist or a crazy fool, or even a misguided religious zealot would kill George Bush, which would result in making Bush a "great" president and redeeming his errors, and also promote Cheney to the presidency. For that I will always be grateful to Dick Cheney.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Lone Nuts? Not By a Long Shot
We have seen a physician gunned down for providing medical services to women, and now a killing in a Holocaust Memorial. The doctor was killed by someone who had been a frequent "visitor" to his clinic. The Holocaust shootings were done by a man who had tried to abduct an entire board of directors at gunpoint in the past.
Both of these men have been called "lone nuts", but both had a wide group of people who supported them and their intention to take the law into their own hands. They were not only supported by these groups but honored and exalted because of their "commitment" and their daring. Who know how great a role that support played in the subsequent and inevitable killings? What if their followers had urged restraint - and encouraged them to seek a different path? What if the strident public voices such as Limbaugh, Savage, Beck, and many others had backed off, and sought to find another way to deal with the problems?
After all, both the killers and their supporters are victims too. They are victims of their own ignorance and inability to understand the world as it really exists. Both groups are empowered by the religious concept that they know the ultimate truth to begin with, and all facts must be therefore be tailored to fit their own reality. To people like this, abortion is always evil, the holocaust never happened. Sure, they seem foolish when exposed to the facts of life. But they are not exposed, they are sheltered from true reality, and encouraged to act as if they are called by some god to kill the evil-doers of the world and scare others to "come around" and worship those same gods.
No, these people are not "lone nuts" who are acting on their own, they are members of viralent terrorist groups that are bent on bending the rest of us to their will through use of force.
Both of these men have been called "lone nuts", but both had a wide group of people who supported them and their intention to take the law into their own hands. They were not only supported by these groups but honored and exalted because of their "commitment" and their daring. Who know how great a role that support played in the subsequent and inevitable killings? What if their followers had urged restraint - and encouraged them to seek a different path? What if the strident public voices such as Limbaugh, Savage, Beck, and many others had backed off, and sought to find another way to deal with the problems?
After all, both the killers and their supporters are victims too. They are victims of their own ignorance and inability to understand the world as it really exists. Both groups are empowered by the religious concept that they know the ultimate truth to begin with, and all facts must be therefore be tailored to fit their own reality. To people like this, abortion is always evil, the holocaust never happened. Sure, they seem foolish when exposed to the facts of life. But they are not exposed, they are sheltered from true reality, and encouraged to act as if they are called by some god to kill the evil-doers of the world and scare others to "come around" and worship those same gods.
No, these people are not "lone nuts" who are acting on their own, they are members of viralent terrorist groups that are bent on bending the rest of us to their will through use of force.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Obama's Trip to Middle East and Europe
An important step. We're still defining Obama. He is still defining himself. Obama travels in a straight line, but always from side to side. He says something, then defines it as being a little different from what he said before. Later, when he clarifies that discrepancy, you will find something else has been left there - or maybe it is missing. He is either very, very, very good or very, very, very bad. Either way it will be amazing. Time will tell on him. Right now - I'm hoping.
ONE COMMENT - The most important job of the president is NOT the defense of America - that's important yes, but there is one thing even more important than that - and that is to protect the Constitution of the United States. And that sometimes gets lost in the rumble.
ONE COMMENT - The most important job of the president is NOT the defense of America - that's important yes, but there is one thing even more important than that - and that is to protect the Constitution of the United States. And that sometimes gets lost in the rumble.
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