Obama is now becoming seen as a possibly deceptive person, at the best as an uncertainty . No one really feels confident that either they or Obama understands where Obama really stands. There is a growing sense that much is taking place behind the scenes, a sense that a lot is passing under the table. He tells you something and you feel good, then he shows you something else. And while you are figuring that out, you seem to feel that you lose something that you really didn’t want to give up. But it still only “seems” that this is going on. When you hear him talk you do feel better. But I don’t feel as much better now as I did a year ago, or six months ago, or even one month ago.
There is a sense that people are beginning to back away from Obama. No longer as certain as they were - still liking him - but now wary, worried, confused, uncertain. We definitely do hear what he said but now we wonder what he meant. More and more we have to accept one of these two terms: 1) either he is a very likable liar, or 2) he is being manipulated and can't figure it out.
The healthcare fiasco is an embarrassment. It is now apparent that the Democrats could not have passed it even if they had had 110 senators and 700 members of the house. Meanwhile, the Republicans are hanging back in the wings, throwing verbal brickbats at the Democrats, and waiting to be called back on main stage in 2012. They are not risking a thing, only saying the Democrats can't govern. And Obama wants to appeal to the republicans and they publicly make fun of him for it.
Obama needs a bit of the old Harry Ass Truman about him, and PUSH his plans out before the public, stand on them and work for their passage. MAKE Landrieu, or Nelson or Lieberman HAVE to get up on main stage and expose themselves. MAKE the Republican party HAVE to come out on that stage also and MAKE them stop the health care plans that the majority of the American people want. MAKE the Republicans expose themselves as the “Do Nothing” party.
The wars need to be stopped. NOW. Nothing good has ever come out of a war, nothing ever will. The good that followed World War II came not from that awful war, but from the peace that was waged in the rebuilding of Europe and Japan. Defence is one thing, but wars take on a mind of their own, they take charge and live on words like “Honor!”, “Glory!”, “Homeland!”, and make the other guy seem evil. Then the wars can run supreme. Meanwhile, almost all of the people ever killed in any war are innocent of any sin or crime and most of them are women and children. Now, our military is worn out. The equipment is badly worn, the troops have been over 2, 3, 4, sometimes 5 times. More and more it seems, Bechtel, Halliburton, Blackwater (neĆ©) are being used - and that is bad because those corporations make money from war - they WANT wars. They NEED wars.
So Year One ends badly. As I said sometime ago I was not in favor of Obama running for president because he was the wrong color. He was too green. Now we WILL see just how quickly he can learn. Maybe now is his time. But the Supreme Court decision has probably ended his term in office. He has much to think about when he wakes up.