Jon Stewart brought to the attention of some of the people in his audience the archaic relationship the Catholic Church maintains toward sex, women, children and life itself. It is my contention that the Catholic Church should refrain from ANY comments about these matters since its priests and nuns are preemptively unqualified for any comments concerning these matters. I wouldn't even mention the repeated and carefully shielded, and selectively transmitted crimes of pedophilia which were promulgated by the Catholic Church, not to blame in any way those wayward priests themselves who clearly were denied opportunity for treatment, therapy and redemption, but to blame the Catholic Church itself for claiming those sick priests as some of their most precious beings by sheltering them, holding them closely to the church bosom, and introducing them to places yet unaware of your most intimate and most valuable sacraments, rites, "services" and "communion"! Ratzinger himself, now your Pope, was in charge of this denial, shielding and re-infection.
What you say in church, during services, is one thing; but that which you value most highly, and hold to be most holy, are those things which become apparent only through revelation. It becomes clear that you hold sex, women, the creation of human life, and the proper "love" of children to be simply unimportant, non-substantial, insignificant, inconvenient, even evil, temptations apparently created by some devil simply to test your priests.
If it were otherwise, you would not have to utter a word. Your actions would reveal glory, instead of scum. Think about it. Pay attention to people like Jon Stewart, and thousands of others, even millions of others who have tried again and again and again to tell you the same thing. Jon Stewart finally got through.