We look at our country with its economy drifting, its health care disappearing, its education plummeting, its government shutting down and saying "No!", its prisoners skyrocketing, its wars dragging on and on and its richest people growing richer by the hour – and we wonder what went wrong?
The answer is us. And the response is us. And the cure is up to us, you and me. Let's quit screaming and shouting at each other, begin talking with each other, and begin solving our own problems together – that's the magic of democracy.
If our elected officials don't want to go along with us, we can fix that too.
NOTE: This was submitted to the Hickory Daily Record and published as a Letter to the Editor on 2013.1214Sa, or December 14, 2013 pg 4A.
NOTE: This was submitted to the Hickory Daily Record and published as a Letter to the Editor on 2013.1214Sa, or December 14, 2013 pg 4A.