There’s never been a better time for this to happen.
Republican Party is fracturing, awash with Reaganomics and Tea Baggers. It seems to be collapsing and spending its last days tearing each other into pieces.
Sixteen candidates have announced, Seventeen . . . do I hear eighteen? There may be more to follow.
No leadership is apparent in the party from Boehner or McConnell, or anyone else. Other Republicans stand around behind these two, looking sad, white and male, a bit like the faces on Mt. Rushmore.
Democrats have a different problem. But it’s still a problem.
Hillary is sure bet to win but nobody likes her. She is tied up and encumbered. Democrats are prepared to hold their noses and vote for her, at least some are. How many will actually go to the polls, hold their noses, and vote, for her, is a good question.
Bernie is great! EVERYbody likes him! But he is still a socialist Jew. And he is too old! Bernie is 73 which has been made to seem much older than Biden (72) and Hillary (67). By way or comparison Trump is 69 (his last chance?) Still people gather round Bernie to hear what he has to say. And they like it!
Bidden is everybody’s friend. But it is widely known (?) that he doesn’t have the internal fire necessary for a long and bitter campaign. He would obviously make the best possible president because he has the natural ability to bring the nation together after a destructive campaign.
But back to Trump. He is not a solid Republican. Many Republicans see him as a “late-comer”. As someone who wants to take over and run the show, but many wonder what he will do if he can’t run the country by fiat and has to go through the democratic process. Would he walk away? Would he send the army marching in under the great dome? The Republican Party will not let Trump run as a Republican, because they have too much to lose.
And who would be his vice-president? Hard to say now. Palin is out. Ben Carson might think about it, especially if he gets shuffled out of the race for president. There could be others. If Trump called you up and asked if you would be willing, how would you answer?
If the Republican Party won't let Trump run, this would be his way to take over. If they have problems with that, then “you’re Fired!” And perhaps his version in this case of “firing” would be to take over, run for president as an independent, win the election and THEN, after totally shattering the Republican Party there would be a day of massive reckoning. He would know how America should be run! And he doesn’t need any damn constitution to tell him what to do.
And if he lost? Which he would, what would rise out of the smoldering ashes? That’s a really good question.
But the bigger question is can America run politically without the two party system? There IS a third party now, has been for a while. It has no name but is widely known to be The Money Party. And without having to travel either the Democratic or Republican highway into power, then will the members of that party become free to rip each other apart and wreak havoc on America?