Lost. Ignorant. Not educated. Lost. But with firepower and
hate. Ignorance. Lost. Confusion. Alcoholic. Innuendo. But with firepower and hate.
Again and again, we see losers who have been passed by in education, nutrition, religion, history, understanding, comprehension, intelligence and awareness of history, smirking or glaring as they display their flag of mass destruction and unbridled terrorism together with weapons that appear ready to kill or maim.
And after the carnage, as black victims of terrorism so often forgive their terrorists, we see these Sons of the Confederacy having their actions explained as being caused by the problems they've had in their lives, by their poor upbringing, by their difficulties in school and obtaining work and having been mis-understood.
That is what the CONFEDERACY has become now. While its BATTLE FLAG still flies over the state capitol grounds of of South Carolina, proudly standing at full mast, waving in defiant intimidation, it has become a new symbol of ignorance, stupidity, mass destruction and terrorism comparable to the battle flag of Isis.
And yes. I was born and raised in Vicksburg, Mississippi.