First debate is over and it seems clear and obvious that Hillary won easily. Trump probably kept most of his supporters though, because they are people who hate the Establishment, those powerful officials who run and ruin their lives. Hillary would certainly have to be right at the top of that pile of power.
Yet the primary duty of the President is the job of politics. He (or she) will not get everything they start out to do. They will have to give as much as they get, and that will not make any difference in the great scheme of history as long as they can weld together what they did get, into a workable program.
One of the biggest differences between Trump and Clinton last night was their demeanor while listening to the other one speak. Trump appeared to be not listening, or trying to pick up a favorite theme of his, and constantly in the process of interrupting even as he kept his lips pursed. He appeared (to me) to show signs of contempt while she seemed to maintain an aura of listening with the apparent intent on reaching out and elaborating on his comments.