Sunday, March 20, 2016

More on Trump's Mother

Another connection between The Donald and his mother is the gesture of hands-up – usually it is a woman who would use that as a sign that she has tried EVERYTHING else and she has no idea of what remains to be done!  And therefore, it is THEIR responsibility for whatever consequences follow.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Donald Trump's Mother

Of course I never knew her, but I think we all know some of her features.  She had to have been a fiercely protective creature.  That much is obvious.  She was also a person of power.  She almost certainly intervened between the world of practical problems and her son, Donald.   It is obvious that she constantly assured him that what ever seemed to be happening would be “all right” and would “turn out OK”, that whatever got broken would be made whole and would be great again. He clearly could forget what he had just done, and could look forward to a future devoid of his own personal consequences because what he was going to do in the future was going to be better than anything ever done by anybody any time in the past.   Everything was always going to be much better than it was now, and everything was going to be far better in the future than it had ever been before.