Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pop Quiz

1. The US Senate recently spent 8 months studying one of the major parts of the American government. They said the study revealed that "The __________________ Agency is demoralized and dysfunctional, It is beyond repair, Just tweaking the organizational chart will not solve the problem. It should be abolished and a new agency created. We found clear evidence of failures in planning, failures in decision-making, failures to create an effective, coordinated national response system and most of all a failure of leadership at all levels of government,''

Name the agency that best fits their description::

b) The Central Intelligence Agency
c) The National Security Agency
d) The Department of Homeland Security
e) The Department of Defense
f) The Department of State
g) The Office of the President
h) The Office of the Vice-president
i) The US Senate
j) The US House of Representatives
k) All of the above

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