No one should die because they cannot afford health care. No one should go broke because they get sick. No one should be denied medical care by their own insurer or because of any preexisting conditions. No one should stay in a job because they are afraid to lose their insurance.
What we have in America now is not concerned about anybody's health, or even about medical care. It is only about money. It is a way of transferring money from working people to hugely profitable insurance and pharmaceutical companies. If you can't pay money, they don't want you. You can go die for all they care. Their ONLY objective is to make more money this quarter than they did last quarter. What do they do with all that money? A lot of it goes to pay your senators and congressional representatives to "help them out" with money for fundraising in return for favorable legislation and regulations. (And if those in congress don't see it the way the companies want, that money can go for someone to run against them!)
The idea that you can only buy medical insurance from the place you work makes no more sense than if they had to approve of your wife or husband before you could get married. That you lose your insurance if you quit or move means that people who are now ill or injured HAVE to remain with that same company the rest of their life - or until they get let go. That the businesses themselves have to pay part of their employees medical insurance is to severely handicap them in the current global economy - German businesses don't pay those costs, neither do Great Britain's, or France's, or Canada's, or Spain's or anywhere in Europe.
We have a GOOD government health care now already in place. There is Medicare and the Veterans care programs. Medicare For All can be implemented quickly. The insurance companies don't like Medicare because it sets prices at a fair value, not the inflated value charged by the doctors and hospitals. The problems that Medicare is now encountering is because doctors and hospitals don't want to have to settle for that "fair" rate because they need more money so they can pay THEIR insurance companies.
The insurance companies want to continue the current program because they can now negotiate with 50 different states, and a large number of different hospitals and providers. That creates inefficiencies, inequities, confusion and forces most of the states and providers to negotiate from a position of vulnerability and uncertainty.
Let's have one payer, one collector. Let it be the United States Government. The bureaucrats will not check your pulse, palpate your prostate, listen to your lungs or anything else - they will monitor the costs, help medical people develop generally accepted medical procedures and tests, and provide for the payment of all bills.
Taxes will go up? What do you call the "tax" you now pay to your insurance companies for continued apprehension and uncertainty? With government regulating the single-payer system, you will not only have real medical care but you will also have MORE money left over. And you can't EVER get wiped out if you get really sick or have a really bad accident. All the rest of us will help you out like back in the old frontier days. How's that for REAL insurance?
Thursday, September 03, 2009
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What a wonderful, sensible blog entry.
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