Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why Fox News IS Different

Not all words can be defined. Most of Plato’s Socratic dialogs argue over concepts that were born without benefit of definition. Many other statements we use today may carry meaning for us but still cannot be defined. “Fascism” is such a word. It can either not be defined at all or else defined in so many ways that it has even less meaning than when the enquiry began.

Philosophers live in this type of world. When they examine a word, they begin with its definition. If it has none they can agree on, they begin by listing the most important characteristics that its use conveys. In the case of “fascism” a number of characteristics are readily available. And that’s where Fox News performs a great service for the rest of us.

Perhaps the most important characteristic of a fascist organization is that its entire work reflects and supports the personality of its leader, or the leading faction of the organization. We see the North Korean economy, arts, military, agriculture, education system, and ALL other institutions mimic Kim Jong-il’s beliefs and attitudes. Same for Myanmar and Than Shwe, also for Somalia, Libya, and several other nations. That means that whatever happens in the world will be reported and discussed in those countries through the personality of their leader or the controlling faction. Whether it is even reported or not will be determined by the leading group. If it is discussed it will be colored by the wishes, opinions, prejudices and goals of its leading faction.

The word “fascism” comes from the Italian, “fasces” or “bundle”, and refers to the old demonstration that one arrow can be broken over one’s knee, also two and three, even more perhaps, but eventually the number of arrows (or other items) becomes so great, when they are “bundled together” they cannot be broken. So you have a country, or an organization that is completely united, all aiming in the same direction and each supporting the other. That’s power. It may also be good business when the business is plowing, manufacturing, selling and producing. But it may be counter-productive when the business of the organization is scientific research, medical care, or collecting, reporting and analyzing the news of the day. But a fascist organization will perform its scientific research, medical care and news delivery to affirm the prejudices and justify the goals of its leader.

There are other characteristics of a fascist organization. Most of them try to generate mass movements of public opinion. Don’t most political parties? Yes, but this is where the fascist organizations have a great advantage. The U. S. Democratic Party, for example would NEVER be mistaken for a fascist organization. They may have a huge bundle of arrows but they are all pointing in different directions. Fascist organizations have rock solid discipline and are always united and walking in lock-step. They don't need debate or to ask questions, because the goal has already been determined, all they have to do is what they have been told to do. They also shine with predetermined doctrines and slogans. They almost always exhort reaction to save their country, organization, business from a declining status. They come to rescue their people from humility, and extol purity and patriotism. They need a “great power” that must be resisted to use as their recruiting tool. They have hallowed ground they refer to often, back to their (our) fathers, great historical moments and such.

So Fox News seems to be an organization that is strong and capable of doing work. No one will ever accuse it of shirking its duties. But it is clear that its duties do not include finding, reporting and analyzing the events of daily occurrence in the world. Everything they report comes with a constant, familiar and coordinated spin. Their listeners appear to be a faithful and loyal group. In this world of constant confusion, random events, stress and terror, Fox's followers are never surprised. Especially when the latest happening is explained, as it is presented to them, as having be caused by a great power they must continue to resist to prevent their nation from falling from its glorious historical past into humility, and that theirs is the cause of purity, salvation, glory and honor. And they, the Fox watchers, have important, informed, intelligent and forceful leaders who DO know what to do, even if their elected officials do not know what to do and how to do it, because the Fox reporters demonstrate what we all MUST do by reciting the necessary slogans and defined doctrines to lead our way. These comments are carefully selected and well organized lesson plans.

Balanced? No. Fair? No. News? No. Fox? Yes.

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