I wonder if Israel can do no wrong in American eyes. We see the latest insult to world opinion being the boarding of Turkish ships in international waters as another understanding and acknowledgment that international laws do not apply to Israel. Just as they are not bound by Palestine’s property on the West Bank - in short, Israel is telling the rest of the world that Israel can draw its own boundaries as it feel necessary to fit its wishes. Israel is the only sovereign on this planet, and they need no friends. That is, as long as they have the US backing them - in fact they seem willing to turn the rest of the world against not only them but against America too.
Just as they have taken land from Palestinians on the West Bank by sending “settlers” into Palestinian land. then using the resulting conflict as rationale to send in army and construction crews and build walls for “protection” of the “settlers”, they seem to feel that international law is simply a minor inconvenience that Israel’s prior Covenant with Yahweh has already provided for.
The people in Gaza have been stranded for three years And Israel apparently is waiting for them to either die, or throw out their elected leaders, and put in pro-Israeli officials. That isolation in Gaza led to this attempt to bring in ships with food and shelter items into Gaza -and that was the ship attacked by Israel on the high seas resulting in the deaths of nine people onboard the aid ship.
The American government said that an investigation into the matter WAS needed. BUT that Israel should lead the investigation. All this following a week in which a diplomatic attempt to establish a Middle East Nuclear Free Zone was insultingly “vetoed” by Israel
It does seem strange that Jews have been so inordinately successful in world events since around 1950. I wonder to what extent that is due to American Jews. More than 55% of American Jews have a college degree and 25% possess a graduate degree. Apparently Jews comprise only about 2% of the American population yet 35% of the 50 richest people on the Forbes 400 list are Jewish, and Jews comprise about 40% of all US billionaires. They also seem well represented in the newspaper, magazine and TV world, including the USA Today, Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Thirteen American senators currently are Jewish as are 30 representatives. So American Jews apparently are well educated, have money, are aware of world events and have a potential to shape American public opinion.
Why do they not display a similar skill in shaping world opinion? Perhaps it is that if they can drag America along behind them then they just don’t care. This makes it very difficult to talk meaningful peace in the middle east. Israel has all the trump cards and we all play by their rules. America is the enabling force but it is controlled completely by Israel.
Israel has also found a crack in the Christian religion that provides a privileged access to the Christian far right. That comes through a combination of what the Christians call the “Old Testament” and the last chapter of its own “New Testament” which is named “Revelation”, a mystical forecast of how God will end the world phrased in terms of Biblical mythology and allegedly end the world "soon". So now there are radical American Christians who are enthusiastically allied with Jews simply because of the reference in the Jewish bible about Jews being God’s Chosen People. Since those references are also in the Bible that these Christians believe in, it has assumed the proportion of a-priori knowledge. Now tie this in with some of the stirring words found in “Revelation” like the “Antichrist”, Armageddon, the end of the world, fire from heaven, horsemen, apocalypse - all terms that are poorly understood in Christian mythology, and they become spun into a nebula of innuendo in which those magic phrases snap and crackle like God’s own lightning. Now if such an inarticulate mass could be led by extremely well educated, literate, and united people, this great mass would have no choice but to wobble in the general direction of permissibility, begging forgiveness for being late as they are driven along.
The only force that could possibly be brought against this great tide is reason - but then “reason” becomes a trick of the antichrist. You can’t reason anymore, that is un-Christian - all knowledge is in the bible - anything else is sinful and needs to be purged and destroyed.
Does Israel have any hint of what they are playing around with?
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