I called Senator Burr’s office, (202) 224-3154, about ten minutes ago and asked how he voted on the bill today (already approved by the House) which would provide health care for 9-11 responders who suffered permanent damage providing rescue services in New York City during and immediately after the fires and collapse of the buildings.
The word from the senator’s office was that the bill had just arrived from the House and would require “reading, discussion, debate and modification before voting” so he simply voted to defer it to a later time. When I asked why they can’t do it today, I was told that you “can’t be rushed into these things”. Then I pointed out that when the buildings were burning and collapsing, these people didn’t hesitate to respond - they “rushed in” - and provided the help they could. Now when those same people are “burning and collapsing themselves” and asking for help, my senator tells me we “can’t rush in to these things”.
Then I told the lady that I though it would be a remarkable gesture if the senate convened into overnight session and worked right straight through until these important issues were resolved. AND that if any of the senators got sick from this dramatically difficult work, THEY would have the best health care in the world, whereas some of the 9-11 responders have been denied or eliminated from their own health care. She said she would relay the message to the senator.
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