Dear Mr. McHenry.
Thank you for your reply to my telephone calls and e-mails concerning the healthcare available in America today, But you did not answer the main question I asked which was – and still is: Are YOU receiving “Obamacare” yourself now? I have written three times and called four times and nobody “knows” if you receive your health care through the government or if you buy it yourself. Please let me know. I am asking you again now through my blog, Facebook and Twitter. And it’s no big deal. It really doesn’t matter to the rest of us. You obviously have more money than most of your constituents do, and you could afford to buy the best insurance and health care in the world,
Also, there are other questions I can’t get anybody else at your place to answer. Here are some of them:
1) Why do we have almost 50,000,000 Americans who don’t have health insurance? And why there are another probably 50,000,000 Americans who really don’t want to try out the insurance they do have. Is this a coincidence, or is it done on purpose?
2) The so-called health care we receive from the insurance companies is not really healthcare but actually a form of “disease management”. Real healthcare would result in a healthy America. The insurance industry needs sickness for the drugs they have, and other forms of treatment. Is this just an “accident”?
3) Another question I can’t get answered at your place is: what natural resource is more important to any nation than the health of its workforce?
4) Why is that resource left up to insurance companies to manage when THEIR need to make a profit is greater than their need to provide services? (And please don’t tell me I can switch to another company.)
5) Can government really provide good healthcare? A number of veterans have said they received good healthcare service (medical, dental and optical) when they were in, and a lot of those who are eligible say that the Department of Veterans Administration provides good healthcare services. And – Medicare has a large number of grateful participants.
6) Why not just go ahead and give the United States a form of Medicare for All?
7) According to , your largest contribution of money in 2009 came from “Health Professionals” ($85,000), next was “Insurance” ($57,450), and then the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons also contributed $10,000 to your last reelection bid. Please tell me that those “contributions” did not influence your stand in any way.
John Womack
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