Republican representative Peter King of New York is convening a congressional investigation into the Muslim religion. Well, it’s really just an investigation into “radical” Muslims. I think that is great. It’s long overdue, too. And I hope that committee doesn’t just investigate Islam but I would encourage them to go further and continue their investigations into Judaism. Certainly, the Jews are part of the problem in the Middle East, and the United States is (secretly) sworn to protect Israel regardless of their issues, so Representative King should definitely get to the bottom of Judaism. Or at least the “radical” part of Judaism.
And while King and his Homeland Security Committee are at it why not take a peek into the Christian religion? At least those damn “radical” Christians? We have all heard that the Protestants are trying to take over the officer corps of the United States Air Force by going after the cadets at the Air Academy, right? And there has got to be a radical reason for that! And then why not call some Bishops from the Catholic church to talk about pedophilia perhaps, and the “Art of Coverup” and how to lie while holding a cross and looking pious. Representative King is a Catholic so he should have some input in there. And before we forget, why not take a look at Mormons, again, just those pesky “radical Mormons”. And before we forget, we also ought to see if we can find any radical Buddhists or radical Hindus and march them before Peter King. And to be fair, we also ought to seek out radical Seiks, Coptics, Jains, and . . . well, now we are getting close to ignoring some religions. So i will have to just quit before I upset some people. I certainly wouldn’t want to have to go before congress as a Radical Blogger. Oh, by the way, will these people have to take an oath with their hand on a Bible?
Of course, that brings to mind other possibilities of ways to spend taxpayers' money. Why not take a look at congressmen – only the radical ones of course – and let’s especially not forget investigating the radical Republicans. And then there is the matter of Radical Journalists – my, that would make a fine show – lots of really great talent there, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and others. Maybe congress could even get Olberman to prepare a Special Comment! Wow. You know what? They could even televise this, put it on a special cable show like HBO, sell tickets and help reduce the Deficit!! Now how’s that for a Radical Idea?
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