The current problems in the American economy were caused by a) the freeing of the economic markets from regulations by the federal government, 2) the reduction of tax rates on the wealthiest people and great corporations and c) unfunded wars that have dragged on for 10 years and which have funneled enormous amounts of money to certain major corporations that NEED wars to increase their profits.
Now the inequities of that recession are being portioned out to the middle class and the poor people of America by threatening the dismantling of the Social Security and Medicare programs that we have built and paid for, and the destruction of Medicaid. Meanwhile, the richest people America has ever had are making more money than ever before largely due to the laying off of American workers and the out-sourcing of American jobs to other countries, like Mexico, Korea, China and others so they can continue to reduce their costs of business and increase their profits even more. AND, they are paying less taxes than any rich class ever has in American history AND they refuse to even talk about paying more.
Meanwhile, the Republican Party now seems to be saying they will NEVER raise taxes EVER, and they won't even talk about it either, because they have taken an oath to Grover Norquist and his Americans for Tax Reform Party that they now appear to be placing ABOVE the oath they took to the American Constitution when they took office. If this can be proven true, would they be guilty of treason?
I have called my two republicans, Senator Burr and Congressman McHenry. Their staff "doesn't know" if Mr. Burr or McHenry have taken any such oath, and they say they don't want to raise taxes on the rich people and corporations during a recession because those people and corporations "provide jobs", even though that not been true over the past 30 years since deregulation took place, or during the lifetime of the people involved. They are simply telling us that we have bothered them long enough and that our time is up.
John Womack
1 comment:
And when does it all end, or turn? What kills me is the fact that the Republicans are screaming no more taxes! Their followers don't SEEM to understand that the taxes in question have NOTHING to do with them.
On one hand the Republicans are taking America and squeezing us into unemployment, taking away medical care
Spending money for a wart at nobody even really knows why (except the wealthy Republicans).
Democrats are not a whole lot better. They give and give and give and get nothing. Obama swore if elected, his first call would be to bring the troops home and end the war(s).
So - our economy is in the crapper// the wealthy corporations are getting richer with out even paying ANY taxes at all// the rest of America is toiling while we lose all jobs except low paying ones//
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