Please don’t call me to testify. Oh, I can go anywhere and talk – and say whatever I might want to say. But if I am called to testify, I will be sworn in and instructed to tell the truth. Then I will have to tell the Congress of the United States of America that I hold them in contempt. And I do hold the Congress of the United States in contempt because of the following – which is not a complete list:
The lack of jobs for Americans who were laid off by great corporations who fired them and who also out-sourced their jobs to other countries where labor costs were minimal and those corporations could thrust their profits higher than ever before, and achieve great personal enrichment of those few who run these corporations and share that great profit with nobody - except of course, certain members of the Congress of the United States of America. No wonder the Congress didn't intervene even though it has the power to regulate commerce and has regulated the action of corporations in the past. Maybe that's why a lot of them got a cut of the action.
The protection of the gun manufacturers so that America has become the “Gun Merchant” of the entire world. We sell guns to foreigners who use them to fight our own troops. And guns are freely used in America to settle our differences and shoot down people in shopping malls, universities, main streets of our country and in our homes. We entered into a ten year long war when foreign terrorists killed less than 3,000 people in the World Trade Tower attack in September, and have spent Trillions of dollars avenging that horrible act. Of course American terrorists then killed 3,000 more Americans between 9-11-2001 and the following Christmas day - with handguns. And American terrorists CONTINUE, ten years later, killing 3,000 Americans in EVERY three month period – or should I say “season”? The American Congress continues to say “Well, we got a right to defend ourselves don't we?.”
The persecution of gays and lesbians. These people are what they are because that is the way they were created. About 10% of all Russians are gay, about 10% of all Asians are gay, about 10% of all blacks are gay, and so on. The Good Book says that mankind was made in the image of God, and it also says that God makes no mistakes, so I must assume that God is gay. Or at least He makes these mistakes on purpose, like he did you and me – but members of the US Congress don’t like what God has done, and want that part of His work to be not REAL American citizens – unless they hide who God has made them.
The acts of treason committed daily by congressmen who refuse to vote in higher taxes because they have taken a pledge to Grover Norquist never to raise taxes ever again. According to the Constitution it is the job of Congress to “levy taxes”. More than 200 members of Congress now are being sworn in to office to do their job and support the Constitution but they have this prior pledge they made to Grover that takes precedent over their oath to the American people, their constituents and the Constitution of the United States.
This week’s refusal to bail out the American economy which may condemn our nation to ten more years of recession or possible entrance into another depression. The private sector of the American economy is sick. People have been fired and their jobs out-sourced to other countries and ten years of wars along with great all encompassing tax reductions . ONLY the public sector can fund the immediate employment of great numbers of workers by, yes borrowing money – which is available – and cheap – and put those people to work repairing roads and bridges, building light rail systems which will bring us up to the level of the rest of the world. But the congress says we have to pay off all our debts as soon as we can even if this results in reductions to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. That is where the corner grocery store, the drug store and gasoline station begin laying off more people. That's where those stores call their suppliers and tell them to reduce their next orders.
Providing money for troops to engage in war without raising taxes to pay for those endeavors which depress the general economy. For facilitating the operation of great wealthy corporations that NEED wars to make their profits. Then for fighting wars endlessly – America has been at war constantly during my lifetime, except when we were still in the Great Depression. The GD#1, we may begin calling it now.
Eliminating 40 to 50 million Americans from any form of health care, and providing care for the rest of America that costs twice as much as people in other developed countries pay. Meanwhile the health of the American workforce, probably our greatest natural resource, falls into the level of a pretty good third world nation.
Incarcerating more members of its citizenry than any other nation in the world in both total number and percentage. And then for facilitating the operation of great wealthy corporations that NEED more prisoners behind bars to increase their profits.
For insisting that a business that makes a NET profit of more than $250,000 in a year is a “small business”.
For providing subsidies to the largest corporations in the entire world who are now making the greatest profits ever made by anyone or anything, anywhere anytime. Yet those same corporations pay NO taxes, and the American taxpayers who do pay taxes, also pay these corporations subsidies to please continue their work.
Well, this is enough for one evening. There is more. A lot more. Sounds like another book. At any rate I will have to make a list. Please let me know if you know of other reasons why the American Congress should be held in contempt.
Then if I do get called, and sworn in, I can fillibuster.
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