Saturday, January 19, 2013

Republican Purseanality

Apparently the only fans the Republican Party has left are dull, white,  straight, rich and ugly guys who evidently don’t recognize that they are all alone.  Most women, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, LGBT people, poor and middle-class folks, and thinking white guys have been elbowed, shoved or kicked out of the party.  

And – Republicans have their hands full.  They shoved themselves off the Fiscal Cliff, now they’re banging their their heads again and again, into the Debt Ceiling, next comes the Sequestration, which they THEMSELVES created, and finally the continuing budget resolutions will drag them on here and there. They really can’t win very much in these encounters, Obama will probably throw them a bone to chew or a crumb for them to wave in triumph but mainly they can only continue to sit around with their arms folded over their chests and dumb-mumble, trying to look wise, even as they contradict that look with the very words they say.

They’re telling Obama that they don’t want any control over guns of any kind, and that if he gives them any “orders”, including issuing any executive directives they will instruct their mayors, sheriffs, and police chiefs all across the various states, cities and regions to disregard them.  Republicans want no background checks, no ban on assault weapons or extended clips, no gun registry etc. As the Republicans cast these bits of wisdom out of their Williamsburg hunker-downery, new Washington Post/ABC News polls show 76% of Americans want background checks on ammunition sales, 71% want a federal database to track all gun sales, 65% want to ban all extended clips and 88% want background checks on all buyers at gun shows.

And there are other polls too.  Like 26% of voters say they really like Republicans. There was another from Huff Post showing the congress coming in two steps behind cockroaches in popularity. 

Colin Powell jumped out of the TV to tell them that they don’t know who their constituency is.  Maybe they used to know but that has all changed.  and so has their voters.  Now their allegiance is to the Tea Party, and the great lobbyists like the NRA.

They refuse to cut taxes on anybody, ESPECIALLY the rich guys and corporations, “those Job-Makers”.  This in spite of the fact that those jobs that they make are overseas.  They see nothing wrong in attacking Iraq and Afghanistan, even though that will cost us more than $4,000,000,000,000 (as in TRILLION).  No need to raise taxes for that either, we can pay for it by eliminating Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. 

Their heroes are Grover Norquist, who leads the No Tax revolution and has publicly said he wants to strangle government to death, the Koch brothers who control the American Legislative Executive Committee (ALEC) who are leading the “Stand Your Ground” laws and want to eliminate ALL public transportation, and the NRA who wants no controls over the use of guns.  

And there’s more.  They want the rich to get richer, which means the rest of us get poorer, and wind up trying to find work so we can support the rich guys and we can get what they let trickle down to us.  And with a purseanality like that we don’t need any more republicans in office. Not ‘till they change!

The Republican Party is dying.   It is all over.  We, the people of America, are through with it.   Now it is gathering in to its heartless chest the various Tea Partiers, the Religious Right and the Christian Extremists.  The "Great Old Republicans" are largely dead now, with the rest either replaced or chastened.  In its final days it will pass on from a living part of America to an unburied corpse.  BUT – there is the possibility yet remaining that it will serve as a Halloween type garment-covering for a rising fascist rocketlike  spectacular.  Let's hope not.  But what WILL come out of this rotting mess?  

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