America was a great experiment. All other nations, whether by religion or monarchy had been controlled by a few powerful leaders at the top of their society. Here was a new nation which claimed it derived its just powers from the consent of those it governed. Now, some 237 or so years later, one might imagine a visitor from outer space coming here to see how well all this has worked out. If he were an auditor, say from Krypton or beyond, what might he find to write about on a quick review? Well – he might note some of the following:
Economy - Half of the entire national value of America belongs to 1% of Americans. Bottom 50% of Americans own only 1/2 of 1% of America’s total wealth
Health Care - The worst in any developed nation and getting worse and more expensive. The health of the American work force is apparently less important than the need for great corporations to continue increasing their profits.
Education - increasingly designed only for children of well-off parents. Even then it’s just training for corporation use, “education” so those students can “get a good job” but not a real education. No music, art, physical education, philosophy - only facts and answers.

Justice system - Criminal - increasingly becoming privatized so great corporations can make more profits. All they need is more prisoners. And to keep them longer. And America has more people in prison than any other nation in the world. Ka-ching!
Infrastructure - the nation is obsessed with automobiles and gasoline. No real rail, subway, light rail, bus. Bridges and roads are crumbling and actually unsafe. People who can repair roads and bridges not employed because there is “no money”.
Suicide. Increasing in America. Only way out? Better than hanging on?
Global Warming caused by pollution of our planet’s water and air by great corporations who increase their profits by poisoning the planet.
Retirement? Social Security seems on the chopping block. Only way to get retirement now is to give part of your current earnings to corporations for their stock. You can still do your own retirement plan? First question is “how long do you want to live?”, second question is “how much money do you want each month?” Third question is “when is the next recession coming for your retirement money?”
American Government - like a cancer, destroying itself, eating the nation internally. Refusing to invest in the future of the nation by building its infrastructure, health-care system, education for its people. Reaching deeply into the private and personal affairs of its citizens, especially those of its women.
Well, if this mythical auditor were to actually write up a report and evaluate his findings comparing them with the country’s constitution, I wonder what he would actually write. How about you, How do you find the progress of our country today? Really. John Womack.
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