Well, Syria is not the only mess around here.
The use of poison gas is indeed a crossing of a VERY Red Line, and it MUST be punished. No question about that. But.
First of all there must be PROOF that there was indeed the use of this weapon, not just “almost certainty”. Second, there must also be proof how it was done: 1) Was it done by Assad? 2) Was it one of Assad’s generals acting without authority? 3) Was it done by the rebels? Third, it must be punished by whom? The response MUST be made with the authority of the people of the world.
Granted that 1) the authority of the UN will probably be missing because of Russia and China, therefore 2) it must carry the weight of most of the developed nations of Europe and Asia, and 3) the unanimous support of the leaders of America’s administration AND congress AND both major political parties in America. None of that now exists. Even the president’s party is divided.
Such an attack coming from outside the region of the Middle-east may well “destabilize” an already disintegrating collection of failing nation states that see their competitive religions being threatened by “infidels”, i.e. each other.
If there indeed was a poison gas attack, and it is not responded to decisively, there will be more to come. If there is retaliation – and it is done by one nation only – and there is not internal support within the government of that nation – then the result could be a world catastrophe resulting in one of the greatest wars of human history with profound release of poison gas and almost certainly nuclear weapons once Iran and Israel feel they are threatened by invasion.
The planetary survivors of such a war would be genetically altered, and their children would be even more so. The pollution from a war of that nature would be incomprehensible and its affect on all growing things would create a new form of evolution.
The answer? Government. The sitting down with your enemy and talking frankly about your common problems – yes, each other – and then beginning to make plans together.
Nothing easy about it. It’s stupid and dumb. It’s time-consuming and wasteful. But.
The planet Earth will still be here. It will continue its orbit and there will be sunrises and moonsets, and rain and snow will fall, and it will create and evolve with its new creatures. It doesn’t need people. It doesn’t need governments. It doesn’t need religions. It doesn’t need heavens or hells or gods or devils. It will still be here after the people kill each other. It can handle the nuclear radiation, it won’t mind the poison gas. Plants that need poison gas will begin to grow and start consuming that gas.
What about it? Government IS a pain in the ass. Agreed. But there are a million billion planets in the universe. Here is a chance to make a difference and be somebody.
Think about it.
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