Tuesday, May 24, 2016

VA Secretary & Disneyland

VA Secretary, Robert McDonald,  told reporters on Monday, May 23, 2016, that the VA should not use “wait times” as a measure of their success because Disney, in their operations at Disneyland, doesn’t use “wait times” either.   Disney relies on how satisfied their clients are.  What Mr. McDonald clearly doesn’t understand is that there is a significant difference between the services Disney promises to provide to their would-be clients, and the service already promised by the VA to those Veterans who have already paid.  AND - if you want to compare the price and service “promised” by Disney to would-be clients, with that “price” already paid by many Veterans - some of which were life-altering, then go ahead and play that game, Mr. McDonald, but first you need to step down from your position and let someone who understands the issue take over.  

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