. . . are yet to come! It is not so much that he will continue to tell us more, as it is that we will gradually learn to understand him better. We will begin to see what he is trying to show us and some of us will become different people for his taking care of us. He apparently knows which parts of our democracy work and which parts don’t work, He knows which judges can render “good” decisions and which newspaper and TV reporters can tell the “Truth”, and we really just have to hang on and follow Him.
The Republican Party is doing as good a job as it can. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has come along and apparently accepts The Donald, although it is obvious that he really doesn’t understand a lot of the details. It is hard to know where Mitch McConnell is, probably because the senate majority leader doesn’t want to tip his hand, and he is an expert at presenting a “poker face” under all conditions so that no one else knows whether or not he really understands an issue or not. We really don’t know what the Republican Party means anymore, so this is a new opportunity for it.
The “grand OLD party” descended from the Whigs of England, which represented a forceable transfer of power from King to Charter. Only certain actions were permitted by government and these all had to be few and concecrated in writing. All other power was left to “the people”, meaning whatever you can get, grab! This brings us to the era of Scrooge and this is where the grand OLD party has become deeply mired. Thankfully, The Donald has emerged, rising to a new crescendo of surprising guidance. No longer do members of the Republican Party need to take positions on changing conditions of the world, no more stress and concern, just follow The Donald. Just press the button . . . the head will pop up . . . and an answer will come forth in great glory!
Now The Donald has graciously offered to serve us as President. He will rebuild our country and make it great again. He will build walls, and approve religions. He will choose judges and select reporters. He will always know what is in our best interest. He will lead us onward and approve our actions. No longer will we have to wonder, and test our theories by discussion, there will be no more different issues, no more new opportunities. No more concern. All we will have to do is just try to carry out orders.