Saturday, June 25, 2016


Not the worst mistake that England has ever made, but it is a pretty good one.  Too bad they didn’t work harder at being a better member of the European Union.  Apparently, a large number of Brits figured that they could scare the EU folks by showing them how little England was concerned about the “union”.  Whoops.  Now, more than 2,100,000 of them want to vote again  But like too many things involving elections, it is too late to vote again – they (we all) have only one vote to cast.  

Of course we Americans understand the importance of voting.  In fact we turned out 36.4% of eligible voters in our last election.  That’s almost half of the eligible voters who turned out in Brittian this week.  They hit 72%. 

 We Americans may well face a similar problem this November.  We may have to decide in advance.  And like the Brits, we will only get to vote once.  And we don’t want to try to scare anybody!

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