Thursday, September 06, 2007

Fred Thompson

It is already apparent one of the approaches that Thompson will try will be that of the good ole southern gentleman. He will admire Hillary, and even hold a door open for her should the occasion arise, and he will make it clear that while he thinks she is fine and dandy that it is simply God's own words that the ladies belong in submissive status in someone's home. Of course he won't say any words that come close to stating such beliefs, but it will be interesting to see how he and his handlers approach that. As far as Barrak is concerned, Fred will again evidence admiration for the good boy, he will be proud of him and will make it clear – again without words to this effect – that Barrak is a credit to his race. Thompson's role will be that of the gentleman with the white man's burden, he won't say this but his actions will not be lost on his core.

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