Some are calling for the Pope's resignation. It won’t happen, certainly not for any sexual reasons, because the church can not begin to comprehend the magnitude of the problems felt by their victims. And also, that one pope might step down for any reason does not provide assurance that his replacement might not be associated with another fetish or two, probably also dealing with sex because anything involving sex is clearly a mystery to the Catholic Church.
Probably the best course of action for the Catholic Church to take would be 1) to permit and encourage their priests and nuns to marry, 2) to permit and encourage the ordination of women, gays and lesbians as Priests, eligible for promotion to Bishop, Cardinal and Pope, and 3) to meanwhile refrain from comments of any nature concerning matters of which they cannot - by their very own vows, willingly taken before God - have any knowledge of, or experience of, sexual acts and their consequences. That means that the church should have no voice - none - concerning matters involving sexual intercourse, conception or contraception, carrying a child to birth or abortion, nursing, feeding and taking care of young children, especially the education of young children!!! or the health care of young children. The Catholic Church is prima facie unqualified and incompetent in these matters. If the Catholic Church is to provide any such care involving children, that must be done under adult supervision.
The willful, deliberate and continual refusal by bishops and other priests - and the Pope - to notify legal authorities of crimes committed by the Catholic Priests should carry the same penalty to the supervisor as the perpetrator of the crime, as is fitting in other professions that are true professions, like medicine, psychiatry, or counseling. Archbishop Nyez has been quoted as saying the church should treat sex abuse cases very seriously. That's fine, it would be nice if the church did take some action but the most important thing is to report these allegations to the local authorities - because they indicate a possible violation of law, and legal remedies need to be applield.
Now we find the Great Church is mounting counter attacks by charging newspapers like the New York Times - and others - as being out to get the church and the pope. The pope himself has said he takes this matter as a “test of himself” - good God, he REALLY doesn’t understand what damage his church has done, does he? And as the leader of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict, was in charge of all the investigations of all the pedophiliac priests for 20 years before he “ascended”. Now the new leader of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Levada wrote: "I am not proud of America's newspaper of record. The New York Times, as a paragon of fairness." Certainly the Times seems to be walking closely to the edge of their cherished motto: All the news that is fit to print".
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