"Many women who do not dress modestly lead young men astray and spread adultery in society which increases earthquakes." This from an Iranian cleric, Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi speaking in Tehran this week. He went on to say that the earthquakes were caused because immodest women had disappointed God. “There is no other solution but to take refuge in religion and to adapt our lives to Islam's moral codes." Poor God. He's got a right to be mad. How's he going to get them ready for heaven? Especially when so many of the angels flit around in wispy scarves.
So the message from Islam appears to be an admonition to follow the lead presented by the Roaming Catholic Church and “Coverup”. At any rate, to adapt our lives to the moral codes of the church. Pedophilia may be an inconvenient truth that "can happen anywhere”, but the church will take care of it’s own pedophileers - no need to bother the police, they have enough problems with bad guys.
Meanwhile, the protestants are romping and stomping with tea bags swaying from their hat brims and pistols flopping on their hips and some of them shoot down medical doctors, and they all love to protest a woman’s right to choose whether to carry a child for the next 20 years when she can’t afford those she already has, and she had no choice in the conception of THIS one either, and they piously grimace as if they might be in prayer, indeed praying to maintain the sanctify of marriage by protesting and keeping homosexuals out of wedlock - ALL of this of course, because it is God’s desire - and God needs help from good ole' gunslingers from time to time.
And the Jews are plowing up Palestinian homes and building “settlements” for more Jews, normally an act of war - would be if they tried that in France or Italy say, but not of course, when God wills it, because God gave this land to the Jews, right? Or did He give it to the Palestinians? Depends on which "This Land Is My Land for Dummies" book you have bought into.
And they will ALL tell you that they all worship the same god. Really? Come on now, this is a joke - right? Do ANY of them really worship ANY real god? Or do they really mean they just worship their own religion?
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