Suave, debonair, possessor of commanding presence, threatener of succession from the union he is. One who says he was hand-picked by God and told by God Himself to run, and his wife agrees with that. Evidently, God apparently meant to run far away from seeking any higher office, and Rick misunderstood and he now stands more naked in some ways than either Adam or Eve ever were.
New Hampshire found him grinning,
smirking and dancing (alone with his lectern)
happily squirming, like a
tadpole swimming. Really just a GiggleOh
Suave and debonair,
everywhere he goes
now people know the truth –
that he’s really just a GiggleOh
This grinning and giggling guy
thinks he should have his finger
on America’s nuclear trigger
should another coyote appear on the road. Oh no Giggle Oh!
And the worst part is he said the next day that he hadn’t been drinking and he hadn’t had a medical injection for any kind of pain. He said that was the way he sometimes is. Hmmmmm. I guess that depends on what the definition of “is” is. Or was.
At any rate he has a LOT of money behind him. That only goes to show how the American government "works", where the guys who want to run the world, but who could not ever be elected to ANYthing, those people like Rove and Yoo and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and others, some even worse than those, have to find a good-looking horse to ride in on the main stage. Then, if there is money behind all that, from some corporate bosses who want to run the world their way, then it is a done deal. Especially now that the Supreme Court has ruled that dollars are free speech and corporations are people.
At any rate he has a LOT of money behind him. That only goes to show how the American government "works", where the guys who want to run the world, but who could not ever be elected to ANYthing, those people like Rove and Yoo and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and others, some even worse than those, have to find a good-looking horse to ride in on the main stage. Then, if there is money behind all that, from some corporate bosses who want to run the world their way, then it is a done deal. Especially now that the Supreme Court has ruled that dollars are free speech and corporations are people.
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