This morning my wife asked me a dumb question while we were eating breakfast and reading the morning paper. She had just read Paul Krugman’s column and was talking about the “Occupy Wallstreet” and its offspring in other towns, and how the anarchists had now began joining in on the protest movements. She paused for a moment and asked: “Who are these ‘anarchists’?” Then, looking at me, “Really?”
I casually replied “Well they’re ‘anarchists’, you know. There are photos made of them from time to time, they are always dressed in black, they all seem to be men, look like they are in great physical shape, they have their faces covered so you can’t see their features and usually have hoodies on.” I added, “They spray graffiti on property, break windows of shops and set small fires.” She was still staring at me, so I continued “They usually show up a day or two after a protest has been going on and they become the reason the authorities have to step in and shut down the protest movement.” I thought for a moment and added “You would think the police could put plainclothes men in among the protestors and have them catch some of the “anarchists” – then we would know for sure.”
She was still staring at me with her eyebrows now raised, so I continued on “Sometimes they do capture one or two of them – the police do – but nothing ever seems to come of that. They just seem to disappear.” Then I asked HER a dumb question: “Yeah, who ARE they? Really?” I thought for a moment and then wondered out loud, "Could it possibly be that the 'anarchists' REALLY are policemen dressed in black with their faces covered and with hoodies on?” But I really couldn't believe that a policeman, or a military guy for that matter would betray his oath to office and do something like that. Then my mind began running through other possibilities such as Xe (nee Blackwater), or DynCorp, maybe Triple Canopy, or ArmorGroup . . .”
I probably looked like my mind was boggled (it really wasn't), so my wife asked. “But if that were true, who would hire these “anarchists”? Since my face still looked blank she continued, “Who would want to break up a protest movement, like those at economic summits, and these Occupy movements? Who would profit from that?”
So I said “I will write my congressman.” She shook her head. “I will write our senators.” Then I shouted “I know, I’ll write Paul Krugman!” She nodded her head and said “Write Keith Olbermann, he’s following the Occupy people.”
“Great” I replied, “and he's pushing 'tweeting' – I will tweet Keith Olbermann!"
I might also try to tweet Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell too, maybe somebody will look into this.”
I might also try to tweet Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell too, maybe somebody will look into this.”
Then maybe we can ALL find out who these “anarchists” REALLY are.
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