Interesting things to watch now:
Christie has now made some powerful enemies in the way he blamed his main supporters - his "coterie" - and he viciously fired them in humiliation, blaming them for lying to him. That WILL have repercussions. These people are mean. They had a promising future and now they are politically dead. They will probably want to get “even”. And they learned from one of the best.
Also this: Christie has not really needed support from any national figures yet. Let’s see if anyone comes to his aid. Who am I looking for? These would be people who passionately believe in something else - not Christie - BUT they know they could never be elected to ANY position, so they need someone who CAN be elected. THEN, as an advisor, they can work on their own heart’s desire. Who are these people? Look around Washington and elsewhere: Elliott Abrams? Kenneth Aldeman? John Bolton? Douglass Feith? George Tenent? Richard Perle? Paul Wolfowitz? John Yoo? Lewis Libby? Ralph Reed? Weinberger? Woolsey? The Koch brothers? Grover Norquist? Even Kissinger, Cheney, Karl Rove, Rumsfeld, and others. These are the people would have come in to power had Romany been elected president – now they are excluded again and have no real opportunity. NOW, Chris Christie needs help. GOOD help. EXPERIENCED help. Don’t look for front page headlines announcing this – but be aware. Get your “feelers” and “antenna” up (as Kissinger used to say).
And again, to quote from “Capitalism: Servant or Master?”, p.29.
“The demonstration of a high degree of loyalty is a powerful compensatory factor. Even just knowing who the most loyal people ARE, is a factor of power, and knowing some of them well, having their confidentiality and trust is a significant accretion of power in itself. To work with these people helps build one’s “credibility” and helps one to become known as a “person of substance”. Not knowing who the Lord’s people are, presents an element of danger, and because no one knows for sure who they all are, everybody in the organization shares varying degrees of this danger. Would-be “volunteers” sometimes think they can join this powerful group by revealing things about coterie members to people they know are higher in the organization.
The coterie and their staff administer over workers who must constantly meet important loyalty tests. Discipline is enforced throughout the organization by the use of fear and suspicion. They are carefully developed, maintained and encouraged and are the primary forms of leadership and control used in the workplace, more constantly evident in lower echelons. “
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