Christie fits perfectly the description of a "Lord" in Chapter Three, "The Secret Organization" in the book "Capitalism: Servant or Master?"
On page 28, the book speaks about these things: " The coterie, or the upper administrative staff, sometimes guides the organization in the Lord’s place, especially in some of the more controversial issues, giving orders or initiating action prior to his “official” knowledge of those actions. This permits the organization to plan and direct severe actions and initiate changes involving hardship upon the employees while the Lord maintains a Father-image so employees may believe “HE does not know what ‘they’ are doing to us; if HE did know, he would stop them.” Of course those members of Christie's coterie who got caught will be gone, because as the book continues on page 29: "Simple incompetence, if accompanied by faithful loyalty, can be overlooked, perhaps even “justified” and protected, but not infidelity, not even suspected infidelity, and the worst possible crime of all is to embarrass the Lord." Well, now EVERYbody is embarrassed.
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