Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Real Problem is Not Trump

“I will keep you in suspense!”  Those words from Donald Trump.  Said like he is pretending to decide how he will vote in a beauty pageant or something similar.  What he apparently does not understand is that there are other people running for the office he also seeks, and if he does not get the most votes, it will be because another has been selected by the will of the people.  Yet, by his own words, he may not concede even then.  

Yet there WILL be a tally of the votes.  There WILL be celebrations and despair – by some – at least.  There WILL be an announcement by some “Certified Official”.  There WILL be an inauguration and a moving out of the White House and a moving in by the victor.  If the one who officially lost the election will not concede, he will not be permitted to assume the office.  That is a matter of regimen.

Now comes the binding issue.  The issue created by those who voted for the loser.  Those who voted in what they now might claim was a “rigged” election.  What will these “masses” do now?  A lot of that might depend on the “leadership” they might get from the one they are now choosing to follow.  But there is a much greater danger.

Trump is not a leader.  He is a disrupter, an agitator.  He is one who stirs things up, but he cannot walk a straight line.  Yet there is a magic in stirring,  It creates a force that can attract power and form a center, and if there is some form of coherence that appears with that attraction, some surrogate with persuasive rhetoric, then the stirred center can take on a life of its own.  

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