The Republican Party is wobbling in its attempts to seek limited form of government, particularly as the world, and the united States also, begins shifting from a mostly rural environment into an urban development.
Now comes Trump. He was nastier than any of his 18 rivals and wound up as the “GOP Choice” for President. It was a rough coronation, as a brand new guy wandered on to the stage in Cleveland and was “chosen” by the masses. Two things became immediately apparent: 1) The self-praise of Trump for Trump, 2) and the slowly increasing numbers of people either positing they would not vote for Trump, and an increasing number announcing their preparation to leave the Republican Party.
Arizona Senators Jeff Flake, and John McCain were early departures from Trump, NH Senator Kelly Ayotte, NY Governor Pataki, Carly Florian, SD Senator John Thune, Mitt Romney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tim Pawleenty, Kasich, Murkowski, Lindsey Graham, Condoleezza Rice, and so on. (See for an amazingly long list of others) He has exchanged the intellectual bright lights for the riffraff who show up at his rallies.
Also represented in the departures from voting for the GOP nominee are Elliott Abrams, Bill Kristol, George Will, Jeb Bush and both former presidents named George Bush. Now comes even Charles Krauthammer with his own list of Trump’s deplorable values: habitual mendacity, pathological narcissism, profound ignorance and an astonishing dearth of basic human empathy. And then the threat, if he is elected, to put his opponent, Hillary Clinton, in jail.
The Republican Party, in its moment of death is visited by a Grim Vetter who has come to scatter its ashes.
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